Monday, January 5, 2009

Welcome Back!

Here is a recap of what we did today in class.

  1. Do Now Instructions: I gave the class instructions for how to complete the Do Now.
  2. Chain of Events Chart: The Do Now was to fill in a Chain of Events chart to explain what you did during Winter Break.
  3. Wrap Around: Everyone took a turn an explained two of the six things they wrote in their chart.
  4. Blog Instructions: The class learned what a blog is and what the purpose for this blog is. The class also wrote down the web address for the class blog.
  • By the end of class, you should have explained what you did during Winter Break and you will understand the purpose for our class blog.
In Notebook for Monday 1/5/09
  1. Chain of Events Chart filled.
  2. Blog site URL and slide information.
Homework: None

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Classroom Essentials

In this class, students will ALWAYS need a few things (even if we do not use them everyday).
  1. A respectful attitude and a willingness to learn.
  2. Timeliness which means, get to class on time!
  3. 1 spiral bound, college ruled notebook.
  4. 2 pens (just in case one runs out).
  5. 1 Gluestick.
The appropriate procedure for walking into class is as follows:
  1. Come in quietly.
  2. Sit down and take out your notebook.
  3. Begin working on the "Do Now" assignment which will be posted on the wall.
These things must happen for the class to run smoothly. They are essential. Thank you very much.